Vulnerably Evolving 2024 Wellness PlayBook 

Introduced at the first talk panel of 2024 at Soho House Toronto, the Women's Wellness Panel hosted by Lotus Tsang in January. She moderated this conversation among a diverse range of health professional panelists to tell participants it is never too late to take control over your health. PMS and endometriosis affect 2 out of 10 women and do not have enough research on women's health to mitigate for viable long-term solutions compared to our male counterparts.

In this event, we had a discussion on balancing hormones - being intentional with our diet, sleep, artificial disruptors (scents and application by-products), and lifestyle that can all alter our hormones for good or for bad. We delved in deeper with our panelists' expertise on the benefits of cannabinoid suppositories, exercise, and ways to manage menstrual discomforts. Each participant went home with a limited copy of Vulnerably Evolving's Wellness Playbook, which contains 35 exercises, information on mindful lifestyle, and takeaways from each of the panelists. The event was recorded and will be aired in the second season of Vulnerably Evolving, in April 2024.

astro-nutrition • endocrinology • cannabis & sexual health

Women's Wellness Panel @ Soho House x Vulnerably 

Antuanette Gomez

Co-Founder of Peak Pharm labs

Jane Zhang

M.D., FRCPC at Toronto Western Hospital and Toronto General Hospital.

Charmaine Kong

Holistic astro-nutritionist + women’s hormone practitioner

Lotus Tsang

Creative director and host on Vulnerably Evolving. 

January 10, 2024 takeaways 

Antuanette Gomez

Menstrual pain is often dismissed, but many women silently struggle with PMS and abnormal menstrual pain. CBD, increasingly popular for managing various conditions, including conronic panes, inflammation, migraines, epilepsy, autoimmune disease, depression, and anxiety, is now being used by Peak Pharm in cannabinoid suppositories. These suppositories contain both THC and CBD, aiming to activate receptors and potentially address deficiencies in the endocannbinoid tone. This approach seek to reduce specific pain without causing notable systemic side effects.

Jane Zhang

As a 35 year old woman and a physician, I try to keep it simple when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Diet: Prioritize a balanced, affordable, and palatable approach, with a focus on the Mediterranean diet. Include cheat days, but maintain vegetable intake.

Exercise: Aim for 150 weekly minutes of moderate activity; daily, even brief workouts, particularly cardiovascular exercises, benefit both physical and mental health.

Hormones: Regular periods indicate hormonal balance; seek medical attention if menstruation is absent for over three consecutive months.

Charmaine Kong

Reconnect with your energetic blueprint with medical astrology to harness the power of astrology to find clarity, confidence and relief from your menstrual cycle pains. Because, while PMS is very common, it’s not normal. You can also achieve symptom-free cycles and truly feel well-nourished. 

Lotus Tsang

My methodology for creating a platform to talk about vulnerable subjects is uncomfortable for many. We, as women, often do not talk about the pain and are frequently dismissed. It becomes stigmatizing to discuss our health, bodies, pleasures, and sufferings. I aim to create a platform to openly discuss these topics as a form of education, awareness, and to bridge the first step to challenging the conditioned mindset to evolve as human beings and bring unity. 

Supporters for making this event possible! 

Soho House

Soho House was generous in providing venue space and each panelist was compensated financially for their time. Soho House is a private members' clubs for media, arts and fashion industries. 


Grüvi is an appreciated drink sponsor for today’s event with a wide variety of non-alc drinks. Grüvi is an award-winning non alcoholic craft beer & wine retailer.

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